Whether you're a beginner, amateur or professional salesperson, this course can help you increase your sales up to 30%. We focus on using techniques that will engage the customer - allowing you to build trust and create a relationship that will last past the sale. We discuss buyer psychology and the importance of using empathy to lead the customer. We go over presentations, demonstrations, advanced closing techniques, objections, follow up tactics, and more.
Meet your instructor : Jon Divine
Jon is a professional sales representative, Managing Partner of Alive Events and owner of the Jon Divine School Of Sales. Jon has worked with hundreds of individuals to increase their sales, networking and branding. He'll teach you exactly what you need to know to become a successful entrepreneur!
Simply follow the guidelines Jon lays out in the curriculum. Spend an average of 15 minutes a day and in 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE increase in sales. Use the course as the ultimate cheat sheet to concurring sales. Just. That. Easy.
Course Curriculum
- Lesson 1: What Is A Sale? (2:49)
- Lesson 2: Sales Are Everywhere (2:38)
- Lesson 3: What Sales Aren't (2:32)
- Lesson 4: Professionals Vs. Amateurs (3:04)
- Lesson 5: If It Were Easy, Everyone Would Do It (2:27)
- Lesson 6 : Help Them Buy - Don’t Sell (2:25)
- Lesson 7 - Your Delivery Is Everything (3:19)
- Lesson 8 - Make the Commitment (1:36)
- 60 Second Exercise: Create Your Future
- Lesson 1: The Path To Successful Sales (4:44)
- Lesson 2: The Road To The Sale (5:53)
- Lesson 3: The Steps (2:05)
- Lesson 4: Attitude (4:41)
- Lesson 5: The Greeting (7:09)
- Lesson 5A: Elevator Pitch - The FAB Method (8:14)
- Lesson 6: Fact Finding (7:49)
- Lesson 7: Selecting The Right Product (5:50)
- Lesson 8: The Demonstration (6:17)
- Lesson 9: The Trial Close (6:30)
- Lesson 10: The Objections (6:59)
- Lesson 11: The Write Up (4:12)
- Lesson 12: Negotiation (4:32)
- Lesson 13: The Close (3:56)
- Lesson 14: The Follow Up (4:53)
- Topic 3 TEST: Path To Successful Sales
- Lesson 1: Recap Of What You've Learned So Far (3:20)
- Lesson 2: The 4 Main Color Buyers (4:44)
- Lesson 2A: Recognizing Yellows (3:14)
- Lesson 2B: Recognizing Reds (3:15)
- Lesson 2C: Recognizing Greens (2:26)
- Lesson 2D: Recognizing Blues (2:51)
- Lesson 3: How To Deliver To Different Types of Buyers (2:25)
- Lesson 3A: Delivering To Highly Emotional Buyers (Yellows) (4:33)
- Lesson 3B: Delivering To Highly Assertive Buyers (Reds) (4:18)
- Lesson 3C: Delivering To Highly Passive Buyers (Greens) (4:13)
- Lesson 3D: Delivering To Highly Analytical Buyers (Blues) (3:24)
- Lesson 4: The Art of Empathy (4:05)
- Lesson 5: Using Tactical Silences To Gain Advantages (3:15)
- Lesson 6: How To Get Your Prospect To Tell You Anything (4:16)
- Lesson 6A: The Art Of Mirroring Your Prospect (4:26)
- Lesson 6B: Labeling Your Prospect (3:03)
- Lesson 7: Closing By Summing Up Everything They've Said (1:26)
- TOPIC 4 TEST: Mastering The Process
- Lesson 1: What Is An Objection?
- Lesson 1A: Identify, Mirror, Isolate, Validate, Ask, Pitch
- Lesson 2: Fake Objections Vs. Real Objections
- Lesson 2A: "I Have To Think About It PT 1"
- Lesson 2B: "I Have To Think About It PT 2”
- Lesson 2A: “I Have To Think About It PT 3”
- Lesson 3: “I Have To Talk To My Spouse”
- Lesson 3A: “I Have To Talk To My Spouse”
- Lesson 3B: “I Have To Talk To My Spouse”
- Lesson 3C: “I Have To Talk To My Spouse”
- Lesson 4: “Send Me The Information”
- Lesson 5: “I Need To Wait - Get Paid”
- Lesson 6: “I Don’t Have Time Do This”
- Lesson 6A: “I Don’t Have Time Do This”
- Lesson 7: "Not Ready To Make a Decision"
- Lesson 8: “We Need To Shop Around”
- Lesson 9: "I'm Not Ready Yet"
- Lesson 10: "I Can Find It Cheaper Online"
- Lesson 1: Great Films To Watch
- Lesson 2: The Internship Breakdown - The Perfect Sales Process! (14:25)
- Lesson 3: Wolf Of Wall Street Breakdown - FAB METHOD! (10:04)
- Lesson 4: Boiler Room Breakdown - Creating Urgency! (16:21)
- Lesson 5: Moneyball - Analytical Demonstrations! (7:39)
- Lesson 7: Used Cars - The Worst Salesman Ever! (11:04)
Since I Started working with Jon, I feel as if i'm providing a better service than ever...i'm closing 2/3 people - I can't thank him enough
- Andrew L, Photographer
I'm so grateful for how much Jon has helped me. I went from knowing nothing, to building a network that's providing money with ease...
- Nina S, MONAT
Working with Jon opened my eyes to a new way of approaching opportunities... His stuff works!
Tim K, Verizon Retail